Check out this video from a start-up company that created glasses, which help the legally blind see images. See below the news story from
VA-ST is a startup from the University of Oxford that has developed a wearable that allow the legally blind to see. Technically a head-worn computer, the SmartSpecs use cameras and an on-board computer to generate easy-to-view frames. The SmartSpecs device is simple to put on, sits comfortably on the eyes and is very portable. Despite its size, the device has three camera sensors, a processor and a display. For people with difficulty in seeing colors and contrast, the glasses can convert scenes into simple, high-contrast image fields. This can help legally-blind people see object locations in relevance to other items in the scene.
The SmartSpecs run on Android and microprojectors display the processed images onto the transparent lenses. The wearable also has zoom and pause functions for viewing scenes in greater detail. Customizable to user needs, the SmartSpecs can display various amounts of detail.